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Xiaflex LP - Vertiflex

Designed for
Patient Comfort & Safety

Patients no longer have to choose between conservative methods and invasive surgery to treat lumbar spinal stenosis. The Superion implant from Vertiflex bridges the gap between these two options with a new, minimally invasive option.

Superion, an indirect decompression system, is implanted with a simple outpatient procedure. It works as an extension blocker, relieving pressure on nerves similar to what a patient would experience while seated or flexed. The implant is available in several sizes to accommodate all patients.

Real Experiences

Read about the actual patients who have been able to take their lives back with Superion.

Patient Education

Discover how the implant works and view data from clinical trials.

Minimally Invasive

With a short recovery time, Superion post-op instructions are manageable.

vertiflex for spinal stenosis LA Ortho Group - Vertiflex

Are You a

Talk to your doctor about the Superion implant if you have:

  • A diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis, with no results from conservative treatments
  • Persistent leg, groin, or buttocks pain
  • Cramping, weakness, numbness, or stiffness in the buttocks or legs
  • Trouble walking or standing, but relief in the seated or flexed position

Contact Us

Get in touch today to achieve the same great results that have everyone talking.

    FDA approved, Superion is clinically shown to be effective for up to 60 months. Certain risks are associated with the use of Superion. Consult your doctor for more information regarding these risks.