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Dr. Grant Williams

Dr. Grant Williams
Hormone Balancing
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    Grant P. Williams, M.D.
    MD — Ross University School of Medicine
    Internal Medicine — UCSF-Fresno
    Anesthesiology — LA County/USC

    Schwarzbein Practitioner:

    • Level 1 Practitioner
    • Level 2 Hormone Balancing Practitioner
    • Level 2 Gastrointestinal Practitioner

    Previous Specialty

    • Anesthesiology/ Human Physiology
    • Pain Management

    Current Specialty

    • Hormone Balancing
    • Metabolic Balancing and Insulin Resistance
    • Functional Medicine
    • Detoxification

    I embarked on this journey to understanding a different type of medicine when there was no one who could help my wife, Caroline, with her Fibromyalgia. There were no cures and not many answers until I was given a copy of Suzanne Sommers’ book, The Sexy Years. In it I discovered Dr. Diana Schwarzbein and picked up her books. For the first time, I felt like I had found some answers to the problems that modern medicine could not solve. It was a new way of looking at the body and the way that all of the systems interact. I was ready to send my wife to Dr. Schwarzbein, but as luck would have it, her practice was full. Further investigation led me to her courses for medical professionals and the start into a deeper understanding of the human body and the complexity of the interactions between the bodily systems. I ended up in Santa Barbara by invitation of Dr. Schwarzbein to share space in her practice, and help her as she minimized and eventually phased out of patient care to pursue other goals.
    We need to address the serious breakdown that is occurring in our bodies, especially in light of our toxic environment, and processed foods. Our practice is now implementing programs that lead to the health of my family, friends, and now my patients. My passion is to continually improve programs which lead to health, wellness, and the prevention of disease. I have undertaken training to equip me for effective hormone and metabolic balancing. The future of medicine is prevention and health is up to us, we just need to be educated and act on that knowledge.

    Specialty Hormone Balancing
    Work Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday